Monday, May 10, 2004

Feeling Chatty

I think my script concersn got overshadowed by personal life issues. Now that life has settled down (though work may have something new crop up :p), I still have the script concerns.

I want to keep the basic premise: Biker Mice crash on Earth, meet Charley, and find out the Plutarkians are on Earth too.

What I want to change:
1). Make the promise and loss of going home more poignant. -- This should be a big thing and it was just glossed over except for a few episodes.

2). Make the bad guys bad instead of just comedic. -- Don't get me wrong, I like the comedy. But having them be a lot more efficient and still lose will up the ante for

3). The invasion of Earth in inevitable. -- The Plutarkians are going to get tired of the slow progress and invade in mass.

4). Need more Earth Freedom Fighters. -- Charley needs the idea to start her own. And their needs to be more Earthling who have realized something's not kosher.

5). Relationship shakeups and new characters. -- I'm considering adding Hannah to the roster with a changed creation story. For relationship shakeup, Modo and Charley--mostly because of Hannah. Vinnie raising kids scares me. Not something I want to explore yet.

6). Dialogue. -- My initial concern has been solved. Making the changes to the plot to inact the above points means brand new dialogue. I'll keep the catch phrases, mainly because I like them.

Let me know what you think.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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