Home: write poem (CSI: Miami and Doctor Who not conductive to poetry writing) and post Reading Diaries and comments.
Print out what I have so far of Educator's Guide and outline.
Tally up word counts if I've made the 100 Words total.
Website update.
And to keep me from foaming at the mouth due to lack of cooperation from website update, pull out stacked-up coloring jobs and color pencils to distract myself. At least something will get done.
Write Doctor Who essay for blog.
Find tinge pack; shoulder hurts.
Need to look at next fiction projects. Blue Man is almost finished and I will need more short stories for thesis. Now there's a thought: what about the webcomic idea for a thesis? Still need an artist. Need to see if it would even be allowed. Because prequel idea in my head sounds like it's expanding into at least a novella.
Sunday is Harry Potter in Lafayette and planning the Teachers' Workshop.
Website updating if time allows and I know what I'm doing.
Read Free!
The BookWorm
Progress Bar from Writertopia
There is a new renaissance festival in Louisiana! Check out the Acadiana Medieval Faire at: http://www.acadianafaire.org/
1 comment:
Do not use the webcomic as your thesis! You would need to be dependent on the artist to be on time, and when it's a school project with a deadline, you are just asking for trouble. It's not skin off their nose if they are late or quit, but for you, it's your whole project.
Pick something that you alone are in control of.
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