Week 12 = 187.6
Week 11 = 187.8
Week 10 = 188.9
Week 9 = 193.3
Week 8 = 194.5
Week 7 = 194.5
Week 6 = 194.5
Week 5 = 195.5
Week 2 = 199
Week 1 = 205
Starting set of tape measurements
height: 62.25 in/158.1 cm
weight: 194.5 lb/88.2 kg
neck: 37.5 cm
bust: 119.2 cm
waist: 102.2 cm
hips: 118.3 cm
thigh: 55.1 cm
calf: 40.6 cm
upper arm: 30.3 cm
lower arm: 25 cm
End of 12 Weeks Measurements
height: 62.25 in/158.1 cm
weight: 187.6 lb/85.1 kg
neck: 37.5 cm
bust: 115.1 cm
waist: 102.3 cm
hips: 118.5 cm
thigh: 63.2 cm
calf: 40.5 cm
upper arm: 32.1 cm
lower arm: 26 cm
Starting BMI Measurements
Height is 62.25 inches/158.1 cm.
Weight is 194.5 pounds/88.4 kg.
Body Mass Index is 35.3 kg/m2.
According to Better Ideal Weight Body Calculators, I should be:
between 105 - 138 pounds/47 - 62 kg
with a BMI between 19 and 25.
I want to weigh 120 lb/54.4 kg with a BMI of 20 kg/m2.
End of 12 Weeks BMI Measurements
Height is 62.25 inches/158.1 cm.
Weight is 187.6 pounds/85.1 kg.
Body Mass Index is 34 kg/m2.
How far to go:
Weight: 187.6 - 120 = 67.6 lb/30.7 kg
BMI: 34 - 20 = 14 kg/m2.
Now for the real moment of truth: pictures.

Compared to my first set from about a month ago, there hasn't been much change. I can only work hard so the results in the next 12 weeks will be better.
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The BookWorm
There is a new renaissance festival in Louisiana! Check out the Acadiana Medieval Faire at: http://www.acadianafaire.org/
You're doing fine. Stick with it!
Just so everyone is on the same page. I'm not quitting. The last six weeks have had about three weeks combined of not doing what I am supposed to be doing for whatever reason (hurt leg, adjusting schedule, etc.). I'm promising not to keep screwing up in that regard (not hurting myself, cut out caffeine and wake up on time, etc.).
And yeah, probably a tad disgusted that not even 5 pounds of weight loss shows on my stomach. Yeah I know all the slow and steady garbage, but I have clothes that I'm inches away from looking decent in and pretty soon the season will change and I won't be able to wear them until Spring. When in theory, I'll be a whole different size and can't wear them.
It's an odd wardrobe crisis to have(especially for me who wears clothes until they fall apart), and I should probably just give my self-esteem a rest and put them in the giveaway box. Maybe tomorrow.
Oh and on the clothes falling apart issue, those are the last pictures in those biking shorts. The spandex finally died after probably a decade of use. But they don't make biking shorts like that anymore and they came in handy under dresses and skirts when I didn't want my thighs to stick together. Those shorts will be missed.
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