Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Now if that's not incentive not to do that again

Pull an all-nighter without life or death being on the line. About 5pm before class started, I came down with a raging headache. And I discovered that when I put pain pills everywhere (my black laptop bag, the car, home) I neglected to put them in my purse or school binder, which is all I had. I could have gone down to the car and got some but by the time we had break I found out the drink machines were either sold out or broken. So I suffered. 2 Tylonel PMs when I got home and I don't remember anything until the alarm went off.

And my mushroom and egg toast sandwich is not holding together well. I think if I have this for breakfast tomorrow, I need to use the sandwich toaster, which seals the bread slices together. Things are looking better today, even though I slept through 4am. My house is upside-down, but I'm hoping to get back on track tomorrow morning.

And Zy's Novel, nope I haven't shared it on Writerly because I was waiting to see who would say they wanted to read it. (Sharing with you, Mez.) It's not ready for editing and I'm in a rough patch currently, so I think I need a cheerleading section to get it done. :p

I think that's all for now. Off to do homework.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

There is a new renaissance festival in Louisiana! Check out the Acadiana Medieval Faire at: http://www.acadianafaire.org/


Anonymous said...

Cheerleading, gotcha! I will turn off the editor's eye and just read it for fun :)

Anonymous said...

*gives Tiny a couple of pompoms and gets him to dance around and look cute*

New layout looks great :) Velly skinny on my big monitor but hey. Sorry to hear about the hideous headache.