Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My curretn setup is too slow

I realized while working at the paying job, writing the rough draft by hand is slowing me down to a crawl. I enjoy composing in long hand; it feels more writerly. Even this blog was started in long hand between batches. And when my fingers don't feel like typing the right words, I prefer long hand.

In college, it didn't matter how long the first process took, I had enough free time to finish in a timely manner. Now it's slowing me down where it takes me months or years to finish a short story.

I knew I'd have to eventually start composing on the computer screen, so no ludite fears. Just honest trepidation of losing everything done as I trasfer between computers. I need a laptop (keep dreaming). But I figure the best way around that is to save everything to CD each day and print out the day's work for the folder.

The more I think about it, the better I feel about it. It's a jumping head first proposition.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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