Thursday, September 02, 2004

And the day started off so well

I lost 3 pounds. Probably all fluid weight, but since I feel good it was fluid I didn't need.

Taking a two week vacation from Red Planet. I've stepped on too many of the teenyboppers' toes. Or maybe just the same teenybopper's too many times. Regardless, it's nice to take a vacation from something.

Then I read comments to my blog entries. *Sigh* That was such a downer, I don't know what to say. I know what I'd love to say, but I'm trying hard not to give into those abusive tendacies.

And now the fucking mail's here so I don't have a chance to say what I need to say.

Okay, mail sorted. I have my pile on my desk I have to do, but I need to start on some of this.

You told me to prioritize! The fact that I got a list together with falling into despair again was an accomplishment.

So what if I'm making excuses? I can't quit my job in a blaze of glory. As it is I'm going to have to take out another loan to get my bills paid. I had to pay $300 to the surveyors yesterday. Then another $300 to $350 when they actually do the work. Chad laughed at me and told me I needed to move it up higher on the priority list just because of that factor.

The Faire is not an easy decision to make. What if I told you to dump the weekly gaming sessions with your friends? How easy is that to do? Or stop having company cause it interferes with your writing hour? I love playing on the street, and the other members are my friends and extended family. And I'm going to be there anyway because Chad LIVES THERE! *Deep breath* Besides, I don't see any of them till this weekend, which is why the discussion has to wait.

And yes, they are going to beg me to stay because it's a month before workshops, and 2 months before opening. They need me to build the damn joust field and stage manage it with no credit or appreciation. And yes, I'm trying to hold out because my squires and pirates don't deserve to be dumped and I want to play with my skit. How hard is it to say no to someone you're friends with?

Blasting me 'cause I'm not moving fast enough on the road to recovery doesn't help me get there any faster. Great now I'm going to start crying at work.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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