Monday, September 27, 2004

Editing week

And the only thing I have to work on is EL #7. And I missed my deadline for this month's tutorial. *Bonks head on desk.*

Chad and I talked. My usual issues, I suppose, combined with two helpful insights. We're both way too used to being single so we don't explain what we really mean to each other. And my job overlaps with his job better than his job overlaps with mine. Which I think means I can help him and he can't help me, at least that's the sense it made last night. Then I get resentful because I'm already crammed for time as it is, and writing is the first thing to be cut. I feel like I've got to be the heavy to get what I need, and then I feel guilty.

Oh well, let me get somethig done before the mail gets here.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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