Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This can't be happening

I finished it. Ended being 13 pages long, 3240 words. and because I was an idiot and pulled the zip drive out wrong, the file is now totally corrupted.

There is no back up. I was in such a hurry to put it on the desktop to send it, now it's gone. And all I have left is the first 5 pages I did day before yesterday.

Okay, maybe some good news! If this converter thing can make any sense out of the backup on the laptop. Well I don't know what converter I'm supposed to download, I can only hope I'm making the right choice.

Choice A wrong, trying to find a choice B. I can't believe it is more than likely gone.

Tried it nothing worked/ I have to write the whole damn thing again tomorrow on what was supposed to be my stress free day getting the car fixed.

Yeah, I'm going to bed now

Read Free!
The BookWorm

Progress Bar from Writertopia

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