Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Overwhelming Wiggies

GTD is making a huge difference. I know what needs doing and can usually settle down and do it, even if keeping the In Basket empty is a nigh impossible task. (Maybe I need to move the filing cabinets around or something. It's always filing I let pile up.) I try to break the day at home into twenty minute chunks at the desk and away from the desk. And it works, up until I'm done for the day, have free time, and need to work on writing.

Then I have the uncontrollable urge to wiggle out of skin. Sitting at the computer desk is impossible. I wander around the house until I finally settle into something that's not writing. Saturday night I ended up doing fifteen crossword puzzles in a row while letting Apollo 13 play on the TV. Last night it was three episodes of Battlestar Galactica.

It's not a problem with my writing brain. I'm working fine at Starbucks, I worked fine on the trip, I get a bit done at the paying job (though not the full lunch hour I keep fantasizing about but can't get accomplished). So why the disconnect at home, which should be my serene haven that allows me to work?

Why I find it so disconcerting, it is a relatively recent development over the course of my writing career. I started writing at age 11 and haven't really stopped since then, and up until starting all this "real world" shit (house, car, paying job, etc.) I could write any where any time. Now it's I can write any where any time as long as it's not my house.

Usually feeling like that means you need to do a mind sweep, but I didn't even remember that at the time. Which, in hindsight, I find annoying. Why didn't I do a mind sweep and reach the core of what is bothering me?

There will always be too much to do at house, too many distractions. I have to get past that in order to get anything done! Conversely, it may not be a personal fault, but a way for my brain to take a needed break. I have been frazzled a good portion of the week with finances. I understand needing a break. Don't understand the want to crawl out of my skin feeling. And getting really annoyed with the sensation.

In better writing-ish news, I finally got off my ass and finished a submission. It's just an advice letter to a national column on house repairs, so there was no reason to sit on it nearly a month--other than my fear of submissions. :p It's not even a conscious decision. I just forget to take that final step.

So that is done and a project crossed off the list. I reviewed the lists this morning, made a few minor tweaks, but generally like what I have on my Saner To-Do list. It's a good amount to get finished in a week. Now I think part of the issue is I haven't addressed the website updates and the clock is really ticking on AMF's. But apparently clock not ticking hard enough to motivate me once I reach home. :p That's not very helpful.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

There is a new renaissance festival in Louisiana! Check out the Acadiana Medieval Faire at: http://www.acadianafaire.org/


Unknown said...

I tend to have the same problem if something in the house isn't right. Messes with the Wah ;)

KLCtheBookWorm said...

The problem with the house is I can't find the problem with the house! It just unnerves me and only does it when I have time to write.