Thursday, April 08, 2004

No writing today

Quote of the Day: Johnny Depp: "I can't believe you're giving me exposition." (over changes made in the dialogue of a scene)
Screenwriters of Pirates of the Caribbean: "But we give you 'miscreants.'"
Johnny: "All right then, that's an even trade." (Paraphrased but the source material is in the screenwriters commentary on the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD)

I have to get Chad so we can do the wiring tonight. So leaving early today. :p This is getting to be a habit I don't like. But hopefully I can make up for it while Chad drives tomorrow.

Yeah, leaving tomorrow morning to go see my friends down in Florida and go to the Tampa Bay RenFaire. Should be back Sunday night.

Now since I've plowed through the lawsuits and don't have any form 119s waiting for me, I'm getting to work on the lesson plan and the pirate lecture. Now I remember why I never wanted to teach. Too much have to justify why you're doing this instead of just doing it. Granted with the state of education, it is necessary. But I prefer the tutorials method, put it there and let who wants it take it.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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