Thursday, April 29, 2004

Forgetting the Fun

Quote of the Day: I'm no lady; I'm a member of Congress, and I'll proceed on that basis. -- Mary Norton

I've been so focused on disclipning my work and work schedule, I had forgotten the fun. While I still need to stick to a regiment on the weekends; if I don't miss work Monday through Friday, I get a lot done. Course, I always get stressed out with a deadline. Now the pirates stuff is done, except turning the info into web pages.

And even though I didn't get any writing done yesterday, I did get a grasp--a visualization--on the opening of the next section. Very important section when she learns the killer is a repeat offender and gains a sidekick.

Something for the story idea folder: Forgotten Diver Saved by Boy Scout
Ex-nurse pleads guilty to patient deaths

So tired today and it's all Chad's fault. No not that way :p, you gutter minds. He didn't get back from giving his proposal until 10pm, so I didn't get in bed till 11.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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