First: the office. The exercise bike keyboarding experiment is a failure for now. I'm still too rotund in the torso to do it comfortably. Maybe I'll go back to it when I've lost 20 - 40 pounds. Next I have to get the printers set up and the new books shelved so I have room to work.
Second: is to get my sister's help on the mundane tasks. Laundry, refrigerator clean out. Back bedroom shifting so we can start demolition in there, probably Mardi Gras.
5:00pm update Well, we had to pause in my house and take care of some business in Covington. But I have the printer installed, and my computer desk reconfigured without the exercise bike. Course now, Mustard thinks that means come sit in front of my monitor.
I have to find a new home for the shredder, since I'm now out of electric sockets under the desk. I had a crazy vision of the next home office I do (which will be over the detached garage but is still in planning stages). Built-in line of sockets, I don't know if they would be on or under the desktop surface, but just the idea of creating a huge power strip with room for twenty or more plugs and I could keep all the computer wires and cords straight really hit home while I was trying to plug in the new printer.
Now I need to go check on laundry and start on the boxes stacked next to my desk. Maybe I can get through a couple before it's time to leave for the movie.

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The BookWorm
Hehe yup, power strip in an office is a good idea :) We're planning something similar for a computer room in a house to be built when we're rich ;)
Lol! Is it warm there mustard?
M :)
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