Friday, February 03, 2006

Why does the "To Do" List grow longer with the more tired you feel?

Has anyone else noticed this? I'm looking at a 15 item list of things I have to do before leaving for Lafayette. Unfortunately, the one thing I need to do--workout--is the one thing I won't because they close early on Fridays. Ugh.

Meanwhile, this week has spiritually and physically exhausted me. All I want to do is crawl into a massage bed and be pampered. Not going to happen on Cast Call weekend. Better happen soon or I'm going to be even crankier.

I was going to download the Blogger add-in for Word in hopes of making updates easier, only to discover my version of Word is too old. So will it be helpful enough to warrant spending money on the latest version? I really need a laptop bag that my other black bag stuff will fit into, now that I'm actually getting to use the laptop. Carrying five bags a day doesn't help my muscles rest and repair.

That's it from me for this post.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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