Thursday, February 16, 2006

Audio Books and Other News

I found some unabridged books on CD for a decent price and bought two different books to try out on the commute. I always resisted because I didn't like the price and felt like it wasn't the same experience as reading. Which it isn't, but not in a bad way. I've been emerging from the car happier and feeling like I've accomplished something besides sitting in traffic. If this lasts through the second audio book I bought, I may join Of course I think I may have to upgrade to a better MP3 player and read at the gym or listen to music like everybody else. :p Looking at the Creative Zen Nano Plus 1GB, but I'm open to suggestions. Especially anything cheaper than an iPod. (I don't care how good iPod is, if I drop $300 on anything it'll be a dishwasher!)

I also need to change my format in the Reading Diary. At the rate I'm getting a chance to read, I won't have 28 entries by the end of the semester. It's not really the reading, but the digesting and writing of the entry. My review for Locked Rooms is up and hopefully I'll be able to type up "Inferno" soon. (Got finished with it this morning.)

I still haven't gotten the printer installed. Yeah, there's stuff I need to print and I'm out of black ink. Not that I feel I'm going to be home and awake long enough to do anything about it tonight either.

Now for the match up of the post: free time vs. the number of projects I have. I don't remember now, but I think I neglected to add in exercise time with my time management exercise. You remember, the one that told me I have two hours free in a twenty-four-hour-period. Then again maybe I did, I finished exercising, sauna, and cleaning up by 7pm. Of course that doesn't count driving time and the stop at the grocery store for fixings for supper. (Vegetable beef soup with 8 grain bread for the gourmets out there.)

So I currently have a list of 21 things all competing for the same time--actually more than 21 "homework" covers a lot. Now the majority of the list is mundane tasks that I need to take care of so they can be replaced with other mundane tasks. The other large groupings are homework, writing, and sewing.

There's no real way to combine tasks. You can't type on a keyboard and run fabric through a sewing machine. Ditto on holding a book to read. Some one could read to me, but the only option right now is Mustard and he thinks it's beneath him.

Damn, I'm not even thirty yet and I can't wait for retirement.

Read Free!
The BookWorm


KLCtheBookWorm said...

The whole point of the exercise was to find out where you had chunks of free time and if more could be in bigger chunks if rearranged. But if you had bothered to read my review of Ted's book in the Reading Diary, I pretty much accused him of living in a dream world.

More my point being is that I live alone with a cat. EVERYTHING falls on my gleeful little shoulders. I hired my sister to do my housework but she's out of town this week. The dishes still have to be washed, clothes have to be washed, garbage taken out, etc. None of that stops; it just steals time from what I would like to be doing. I want to finish my Christine de Pisan dress by April. I want to write my novel.

I want to do my homework because I can't afford not to go to school at this point. If I don't go to school; it means get a night job, and I hope you all remember what happened to me the last time I did that. (It's still a blur to me, but Chad vetoed it on the grounds that I nearly went psychotic and we weren't even dating then.) Besides I like school, I feel like an aloof equal rather than the nutcase that's young enough to be our daughter that I feel at work occassionally. (Don't start the quit my job speil again.)

So I do prioritize. I summon up the waning energy because I usually have two hours free before bedtime but I've been up since 4am-ish, and my body is in a nice state of fatigue that a workout brings. I do what I can at work, but frankly, afer getting yelled at I have to pretend to not do anything that is un-job-related.

So in order to prioritize and have this thing called free time, I have to drop the income, the fun, or my support for my boyfriend's business. Frankly the choices suck, Scarlett. And I do give a damn. :p

ARGH! Why can't we have a nice discussion about MP3 players instead? Or make the funny I was trying to by bringing up retirement--all that free time and they can't find ways to fill it. I never going to have that issue as long as diabetes doesn't kill me first. And no the weight isn't budging and I'm going to have to get snarly about the PT issue.

Anonymous said...

Still no PT? Suckage.

As for MP3 players, not a lot I can say, because we have iPOD. I like iPOD. It panders to my technophobia and uselessness with computers.

I don't get where you're coming from with the tmie thing, I think because we are very different. I abhor clutter. Any clutter; in my life, in my space, in my time. I throw things away at the dorp of a hat, and I don't acquire much either. I've got to the stage of my life where I have and do the things I like, and only them; bushwalking, photography, art, writing, gaming. I keep only the things I use; kitchenware, minimal furniture, 4 bookcases. Oh, and Neil :P

When I prioritise, anything at the bottom gets shuffled off the list. This means that my day isn't packed unless I choose it to be; I have time to do all the fun things AND get the house cleaned. I used to sew, and toyed with getting into reenactment. But realistically I don't have the time, or rather, I know that I would prefer to spend my time on other things. So, off it shuffled.

Hell, I want to learn the violin one day, I wan to learn to dance, I want to do yoga. But all these things take up time and, in the long run, it's peace of mind and control that I like to have.

I can fill up my day enough with the priority things, without tacking on a lot of "wants".

I also get plenty of sleep, and don't have to get up at 4am to fill up my day. You should take a week off one week, just do nothing except eat, sleep and read. See how much your mental health improves!

No signin, but this is Red :) (My verification word is "ojock". What's with that?)