Saturday, January 21, 2006

Kitchen disaster area update

Been up since 7am. I love the fact that Mom calls it early when it feels so very late to me. The side affect of having to wake up at 4am Monday through Friday.

Got started with laundry and the kitchen reorganization around 8am. Finished the glasses cabinet and moved all the small appliances out. Moved my tupperware collection to the upper cabinets. Then got started cleaning out the cabinet under the sink. The plastic sliding baskets I bought are to store the cleaning supplies under there. I was vaguely think I might want to buy or build more trays to slide the small appliances out of the cabinets on. Decided to use what I had already bought before going on another spree. Found water in the cleaning supplies under the sink.

The left strainer was leaking as water goes down the drain. Mom suggested teflon tape. I went to the bank and Lowe's. The teflon tape wouldn't stick to anything. Great, I'll go ahead and replace the faucet too once I figure out how to fix the leak. No problemo, back out to Lowe's. Bought a book on home repair that covered sinks and faucets. Got advice in the plumbing aisle on how to fix the leak. Got faucet on sale for $88. Got home about 12:30-ish.

Old Faucet

Cannot get the strainer to come off the sink. Call Krista for help. We spend the entire afternoon on that sink. Once the leak is finally fixed it was hours on replacing the faucet. The faucet was still leaking when we gave up around 5pm for supper. Took her to a restaurant in Ponchatoula I've been trying to try for two semesters now, Speakeasy. Now I want to go back in full Roaring 20's garb.

Finally got sink fixed by 6:15pm. Had the heater aimed into the cabinet trying to dry the floor out faster, but as of now it's still damp. The kitchen is still upside down, and my dirty dishes are getting washed in the bathtub.

But the new faucet looks fabulous.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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