Thursday, September 08, 2005

Traffic nightmares

My friend Jamie Haeuser from the Renaissiance Festival has started a blog on Katrina stories: Katrine Hospital Reports. She's a bigwig (a Vice President of something, I think but can't confirm off the top of my fuzzy memory) at Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge (where I was born 28 years ago) and they've been saving the babies and moms out of New Orleans.

My friend Marcie found this great peice of animation that explains a lot of frustration we feel towards the media. Be warned, the squirrel doesn't bleep.

And now we got another Yankee asshole: U.S. Congressman Rapes Louisiana’s Reputation Over U.S. Katrina Fund.

*Sigh* A nice post overall from Laurie King, but now the whole country is using the wrong word to describe evacuees. Hmm, so should a portion of our relief funds go to buying journalists dictionaries? Yes, I did correct it because I'm anal that way. But tithing should be essential no matter what your religious creed. Suze Orman spoke about it as well. We all have a responsibility to give. I'm guilty of forgetting to, and will be balancing my checkbook to see what I can do.

Well in good news, I started this post worried that I would have to fight horrendous traffic to get to the starting classes at SLU today. I've got word now that the Thursday night's professor is still out of town and I don't have to go. Next week is still up in the air. Though I'm hoping that the situation in Baton Rouge will be better. Things have calmed down in Lafayette--at least on a personal level--though I didn't get to write last night due to running around checking on aid, I did get a little bit accomplished during lunch. Hopefully I'll get a little bit more accomplished today.

I have to call home and make doubly sure that they don't need anything from me tonight. I feel guilty about Mustard. I'm sure he's not happy and probably feels that I have abandoned him. But him being at home is much better on all the cats, him included.

Even in the midst of this drama, my life is still pretty tame. Sad really, but in a good way.

Read Free!
The BookWorm


Anonymous said...

Probably better that life is pretty tame amidst the drama, just think you could be a par of the drama, now that would be a bad thing.

Give the cat plenty of cuddles when you next get to spend time with him, I'm sure he'll be fine :)

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Fair enough. To have actually been in New Orleans, I don't know what I would have done.

Yeah I do. Loaded up my car with the same stuff and hopefully a few more people and got out.