Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Time for more Bacon

As in Francis Bacon. I really hope I'm not supposed to have all the essays by him, Hobbes, and Donne read by tomorrow, because I don't think it's going to happen--even with as fast as I read.

I want a double feature this weekend, but we may have to drive to Baton Rouge to get it. Serenity starts Friday and Corpse Bride started last weekend, and I don't know when the Hammond theater is going to get new movies delivered. MirrorMask is also starting on Friday, but with a limited release. I doubt even Baton Rouge is on that list. Checking with

Well, looks like we can see Corpse Bride and Serenity back to back, and MirrorMask is showing no where within 40 miles of my house.

Read Free!
The BookWorm


Sharp said...

I blogged about Corpse Bride a couple of days ago. I really think you'll enjoy it. As for Serenity, a bunch of our friends are getting together to see it tomorrow Friday night. I've never seen a single episode of Firefly, but everybody keeps telling me how awesome it was. One comic I read said Serenity is one part Star Wars, two parts Tombstone, and a sprinkling of The Matrix. And, of course, Joss Whedon wrote it. I'm all atwitter with anticipation.

KLCtheBookWorm said...

I'm willing to get the "Joss Whedon is my Master Now" T-shirt just based on what he did for that cast and fans, and I didn't get to see any of "Firefly."

And of course I know you blogged on Corpse Bride, I left you a comment. ;) But seriously, the only thing of Tim Burton's I don't want to see is "Planet of the Apes." It offends my feeling that socio-commentary science fiction films should not be remade into action-gorged spectacles. And I never was a Pee-Wee Herman fan. That's it out of a very long list of movies.

Course there's PvP's strip today, that made me wish we had early screenings. And that I had the General Lee too:

V for Vendetta looks great too. And from the trailer online looks like they left in the socio-commentary. What other trailers did I gorge on at ComingSoon.Net? "Harry Potter" this one with plot details and not the "oh look how they grown up" shots. And "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" which is tempting just to see Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr kiss. "King Kong" which already saw in theaters. Maybe the shirt should have "Peter Jackson is my Master too" on the back.

*Sigh* Oh well, back to Bacon.

Sharp said...

You ready PvP? That kicks ass.

The Harry Potter trailer really was good. Misty and I were both pointing at the screen and saying, "There's that part! And that part! That's where he...". Etc.

For a while, while I had my hair long, I actually was approached once or twice by people thinking I was Peter Jackson.

KLCtheBookWorm said...

I started reading PvP after his auction for the Webcomics Hurricane Relief Telethon. I don't think I'll ever be a Penny Arcade convert, but I do enjoy PvP.

Sharp said...

That's understandable. PvP is much more about general fandom than Penny Arcade. Kurtz also doesn't go out of his way to be offensive. Usually. ^_^