Wednesday, July 14, 2004

So much to do

I have about a quarter left in Bold in Her Breeches. Interesting, especially useful in how women in all probablity acted in and around sailing and specifically pirate life. Got a few useful tidbits.

I need to finish the kitchen and living room, or at least make such noticable difference, it won't matter if I take the weekend off. Mom has a building supply store she wants to check out, Chad wants to get a spot ready for foundation pouring for the Inn's demo kitchen, I want to swim and not clean my house. :p

I'm working on a Writing Characters From the Inside Out exercise with Rhiannon, my heroine from "Elizabeth's Oak." Though it's hard since so many people in the office have decided staying till 5pm or later is a good thing too. Probably going to use the headphones technique today. I'm combining Stein's Triage technique with Orr's character exercises. The real test will be on "the Hyrueliana", but I got home way later than anticipated due to grocery shopping and forgot that I needed to save a copy to bring to work. And now I'm under a reading and scanning deadline, so I really don't have time to work on it specifically at work.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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