Monday, December 20, 2004

Seasonal cleaning

I accomplished a lot this weekend. I accomplished a lot this weekend. I have to keep repeating that to myself to stave off the feeling that I haven't done enough, I should be finished but that isn't humanly possible. Stupid guilt gene.

The kitchen is clean, except for the dishes to wash. The extra dryer that is being stored on my porch (don't ask) is now on the other side of the porch instead of right in front of the dryer I'm using. The living room is clean and dusted and filled with Christmas stuff. I actually got the tree put together, and I think Mustard understands he can't eat it. I don't know about the climbing yet.

My bedroom: mattress is flipped. And right now storing the hopefully now cleaned blankets in there. Haven't vacuumed or dusted yet. And I have to go through clothes and get rid of some.

Bathroom: needs organizing and and scrubbing. Litter boxes did get changed out and now Mustard has an enclosed one with a door.

Office: Have dealt with all the junk mail that had piled up. Now I need to reshelve books and file papers. Also I think I need a library cart. Tested the HP Laserjet and it's officially broken. I'll just have to save up for a new one.

The Back bedroom: *Deep breath* Putz peed all over the mattress in there, my Scooby-Doo huge stuffed animal, and all the clothes that were on the bed. I think I finally got the bedding cleaned, but the mattress is a lost cause. I used up an entire bottle of Febreeze and it didn't make a dent in it. And of course, we didn't make it to the back bedroom before I took Chad so he could finish stuff at the Inn before he leaves to visit with his mother for Christmas. Hindsight, we should have tackled that room first, but the kitchen looked so much worse.

Need to vacuum and mop all the wood floors.

Then I get to start on all the computer work that has been piling up. I promised I would get Red Planet back to Gold status, and I have work to do on Alt. BM Site and the Library.

And my friends from Florida will be here Sunday. GRE test Monday, and I don't know where any of my overseas address have gone (I think I put them in address book, but where in the office that is *rolls eyes*). I'll have to send out virtual e-cards and I feel guilty about that.

Any wonder why I want a vacation this time of year? Or the big giant remote to put the universe on hold until I'm finished cleaning. I could have so much more done if they didn't insist on me going to work.

And another reminder: Tell Disney thankyou for Gargoyles. And how much we want Season Two.

Take ten minutes and write them a nice thank you letter. Even a
postcard will do. Keep it short and sweet - this isn't the place to
take them to task for sending you on a retail scavenger hunt to find
the disc. Most importantly, tell them how much you look forward to
the release of SEASON TWO.

Here's the address:

Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Department CS
Burbank, CA 91521

(This is the address off the disc.)

Can't lose that address now.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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