Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Another night off

I hadn't planned on it, but I didn't get home until 6:40ish, after waiting for over 30 minutes on a pizza. Tuesday night bad for pizza, got it already. So I ate and watched Labyrinth, and was struck of the similarities between Jared the Goblin King and Eric the Phantom of the Opera.

Speaking of Phantom, I know what I want for Christmas! It's coming to New Orleans from Dec. 10th - Jan 4th. The last time it was in New Orleans was my senior year of high school, and trying to get the tickets for my birthday fell apart. Hell, I even tried to organize a field trip show and that fell apart. I am going this time even if I have to sit under the chandelier.

Well it wasn't a total night off, I did get a few more chapters of The Complete Guiding to Editing Your Fiction read. Found the chapter on pacing too.

Writing News: Finished typing GG#6. Now I have to create the selling book page. Also did a little brainstorming on the Chosen, not as much as I like but I have an idea of how the antagonism is going to work. Is it possible to come together and function as a team without liking one another? Now having typed that, I realize it's close to the premise of the crossover, and that I haven't ironed out my premise for the Chosen yet. Add that to noddling pile.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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