Friday, February 27, 2004

Missed a day, oops

Quote of the Day: Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. -- Jane Wagner

I had a good birthday. Thank you everyone for the warm wishes. My coworker Linda bought a cake to work, and my supervisor gave me a porcelain pretty of roses and a water can. Unfortunately due to what happened to my Christmas dragon at work, it went home to be displayed there. But since without the entertainment wall unit that's on layaway I don't have a place to put it, it's still in the box.

Everyone else was working so I ended up finally getting my car's air filter and rearranging my living room furniture for the party and the wall unit that I should be able to pick up March 5th. Mom already got me the hall tree for my birthday, so I don't know if she has anything else planned.

And now the mail is here so away I go.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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