Thursday, December 11, 2003

Megadoses of Vitamin C

Felt physically like crap yesterday (and the Blogger system wouldn't let me on to put in an entry). Felt worse today and took myself to the doctor. Probably just the common cold, bleuh! Currently taking over the counter medicine that was recommended and if it doesn't clear up in a week, time for antibiotics.

And I got a new (to me anyways) washing machine. But it needs a little help. Balancing and it's leaking from the outtake pipe. And on the last load I put in it, it decided to go waltzing across my back porch. All I know is right now I'm in no condition to deal with possessed appliances.

Writing isn't going as well as it should. Today I was occupied by trying to get to the doctor and trying to make sense of my money. Fun combination :p And this weekend isn't shaping up to be a catch-up weekend on it either.

Oh well, if only all my plans that go astray were for such wonderful reasons.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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