Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Busy? Only according to some

Life is full right now, and I'm only trying to do everything I want and have to do. (Paying job and household chores fall under have to. I tried giving them to Mustard but he doesn't want to cooperate.)

I'm trying to make a concentrated effort (and boy does it take a lot of concentration!) to blog about the upbeat things in my life. They do exist, but I spend too much time and energy focusing on the bad and down. Save the wallowing for the naps (more advice from Page After Page) and the fiction.

Valentine's Day wrap-up. Yesterday was the day for lovers. Chad had already given me my present, a little cat Cupid pin, which I wore all day. Then once I got done with class, he took me out to Adobe. And the evening went great. I didn't have any fits like I did last Saturday to spoil the night out. *Sigh* Though I think that was a good deal of left-over PMS, and low frustration point because he wasn't comprehending why a movie he had seen (and I don't think he was that impressed with) meant such a big deal to me.

He'll like his Valentine's Day present, once payday gets here and I can buy it. :p

Course, going out meant I got home too late to work on script, but I think I needed a day away from it. I got a few lines done this morning before I had to go. If I would actually break down the food into lunch-size portions, it probably would shave off a few more minutes of getting ready time. I'm not stressing about it. I need the formating book and it's not going to be here until the end of the week, hopefully. On order.

Still have reading for tonight's class to catch up on. Better get started on that while doing these lawsuits.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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