Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Banging my head against the desk

Well, I haven't been sent home over my clothes yet. Had lunch, stained my shirt green with brocolli (why is it I can't eat anything without it landing on my boobs?), got my earphone on (we're only allowed to have one ear plugged up), and can't concentrate.

So all serious writing will need to be done before my coworkers show up in the morning. So I just have to keep getting up at 4am and use lunch to check on all the webcomics and blogs and advice columns and news websites. Boyo, THAT's going to be a hard habit to switch. But right now I have story issues and I can't seem to get into the characters heads long enough to deal with it before I'm distracted.

Meanwhile Zy, my protagonist, is in the bathroom and doesn't want to leave because that means she has to suck it up and apologize to Xeryl because she needs his help. She is completely ignoring his spot-on observation that upset her in the first place. She has to leave, she can't do her job from the bathroom--and I have no story--so she will leave. But what will she find on the other side? How does Xeryl feel after the spat? What does Mylte think of these people he has ended up with?

I fixed some timeline issues I had noticed. I think I'm going to end up with another chapter inserted into the notecard outline that was the last version of the outline I have. I swear tonight I'm using yWriter to map out the rest of the story issues and get my books put away so I have my desk space back. And I think that means I'm going to have to put the white shelves together first. Ugh. And I have to cook because I have no food for lunches.

Plus I forgot to call about housekeeping prices. Damn.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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