Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Skipping a day

I did write a blog entry yesterday, but don't feel like relating the tired whine. Though it did serve a purpose, it reminded me of a deadline and then sent me scurrying to fiction. Which I kept up today. I finally got to my dead crew scene, and about to move into the discovery of the treasure scene.

Now I'm tired and I can't find Dante. And I'm going to try to go to bed early. And the computer needs a rest.

The appointment with the nutrionist is tomorrow, and I'm seriously considering ending up with the whole day off for a rest. Yeah, it's been that kind of week.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

1 comment:

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Gads, I didn't realize it had been so long since I updated. It's been a whole week with a crazy weekend in the middle. That's probably why. I don't even think I took notes about the nuturtionist visit.

And yeah for furniture! Because sitting on the floor because there is no sofa just gets old after a while.

*Debating whether to type on blog or not.* Shoot, I need to sleep and finish typing story. Not enough hours! Never enough hours!