Monday, September 20, 2004

Monday, *sigh* Monday

I want to work from home. But if I worked at home, I wouldn't be working right now. Well, actually I probably would--it is noonish--but nothing I'd be getting paid for. Insanity reigns.

Have some enthuastic pirates. Enough for a whole crew, things are looking up.

Money situation should be ironed out October, Novemebt or December when I finally get to close. On the not cool hand, my cousin wants to be my next door neighbor. Here's hoping that actually making them pay for a septic tank makes them change that idea. Mom and Dad are furious; I'm pricing castle walls complete with boiling oil pots and hedges for my side.

In other news--like I don't already have enough on my plate--I'm considering going back for my Master's. Pros: 1) Southeastern offers mostly night classes (or at least have this semester), 2) as long as I am taking one class I don't have to pay Sallie Mae loans, 3) I can use loan money (which has the lowest interest rates available and I don't have to pay while in school) as a second income. Cons: 1) Fighting the traffic to make it to class, 2) Fighting my procrastination with assignments, 3) $115 for the GRE test that I have to take before I get in--ugh, they told me I should have taken that the year I graduated.

I'm going for this for the Spring semester that starts in January. No sense dwadling over it. That just makes it take so much longer.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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