Thursday, August 12, 2004

Busy, busy, busy

I've finished the script and edited it down to 25 pages. I still need to have it beta read by one other person. Morning wants it to be the pilot for the new show. :)

I finished "The Rose" edit and posted it to the Forward Motion forum. Now I just have to find time to crit other people's stories. I think I need to tweak more learning how to manage posts. A tip I saw somewhere is to put links to your story in your signature. Well, just putting in the URL makes it a link, but I'd rather use the title. Does that even work? Can I put it in my signature even thought HTML tags aren't allowed?

Picked out four stories to crit initially, but my mind is buzzing with my Zy's short story idea. I'm probably going to work on that today. *Sigh* It does connect with the novel, but none of the other editing work is really grabbing me. I'll try to read during lunch.

'Sides, I like the opening scene. "The blue man with the butcher knife locked eyes with her."

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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