Monday, May 17, 2004

Crossroads: An Author Self-Interrogation Chapter 1 Question 10

Quote of the Day: I am capable of parading down the road of the oblivious. -- Me!

Crossroads: An Author Self-Interrogation Chapter 1

10). Who have you disliked intensely?

I don't know if I've had a passionate hating experience against a person. People who annoy me, the ones that make me hide in the closet than deal with them, yeap, plenty of those. I call them chalkboard people, because they make you feel like you're the fingernail being dragged across one.

The one who comes to mind first is S. S. is a fount of kindness, eager to do the right thing, eager to do anything. After three seconds in a converstaion that threatens to go on forever, your brain screams at her to get to the point already while your lips refuse to let it out.

S. also believes just talking to kids affects the desired changes in their behavior. Consequently, everyone flees from the terrors she calls her darlings. The cast party is a perfect example.

Cast party is always on the coldest night of the season without fail. I had a seat next to the file with S.'s daughter screaming behind me. She wanted out of her stroller because she was tired, cold, cranky, and probably hungry. S.'s son--also behind me--whined because his sister was getting all Mommy's attention. And I was stuck trying to figure out which of the choices running through my head was the correct answer. A). Stay put and not lose a fire seat. B). Pop the kids. They deserve it and it's probably dark enough not to get caught. C). Run for my car. Socializing ain't worth it. D). Take S.'s kids away from her for their own good.

Hate her? No. Crazy enough to spend an entire day with her and her kids? Not even if I was paid for it.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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