Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Trying to stay current

February 18th: Hopefully, I will get to post this tomorrow. It's been a crazy almost-a-week and I don't know when I will get a chance. I didn't even get to finish my 30 minutes today. I still haven't finished my budget review either and I skipped a week on purpose already.

Last update on my grandmother, we thought she had made herself sick since they drew three liters off her Thursday. The hospital reduced her fluid intake and they pulled off another three liters Friday or Saturday. Sunday, they moved her to ICU and pulled another 2.5 liters off with dialysis. Then her blood pressure starts to bottom out. I don't know which doctor is trying it--i.e. signed off on it--but they have her on two medicines in an I.V. trying to keep her blood pressure normal. Dialysis today was another three liters. Her heart is enlarged and the fluid is going into her heart cavity and her lungs. She is also having dreams about her dead son.

I stayed home from work today to be at the hospital and whatever errands Mom needed. Tomorrow, I get to pick up Kai and Atticus from the airport. I'm trying to keep up my routines, but it's hard. I need to remember to email my professor in case I don't get a chance to turn in my assignment on time. So if I seem to vanish for a while, this is why.

February 19th: Kai and Atticus supposed to arrive on the 8:30 flight into New Orleans. Due to security on the Austin end, they missed that plane and had to get the next one out at 2:30. Yes, I was at the airport parking garage when she called to tell me. I am way too used to scheduling two hours to get through New Orleans traffic, so it was an automatic calculation. I did much better the second time around.

Atticus only had one meltdown because Mommy left him with me to go see Mama Ree. He got over it pretty fast.

The cardiologist gave us new information. None of the doctors can figure out what is causing her symptoms. He wants to put in something to take a look at the heart and see if there is an infection there. Apparently, you can have an infection with a major organ of the body and not have a fever. Mom agreed to it because you don't know who else in the family may come down with this.

Mama Ree has no blood pressure. Little bit gets pumped into the heart and what gets pumped out, goes into her lungs with fluid. They did decided not to do dialysis yesterday. Her breathing is very shallow.

February 20th: Mom is already at the hospital and we're planning to go for the 2pm visit unless Mom needs us there earlier. I need to do homework and budget stuff and eventually writing stuff, though if I make the same handwritten progress I made yesterday I will be happy with that one.

I don't know when the next chance I'll have to blog is. If I get stuck out there tonight, I'm going to try to take the laptop and see if it cooperates. I doubt they have a WiFi signal at the hospital, which makes Verizon's offer of a laptop broadband (counts as another phone line on my account and I can have up to five) sound really good. But I don't even know if I can make the damn laptop turn on, so I'm saving it for the new one.

Read Free!
The BookWorm

There is a new renaissance festival in Louisiana! Check out the Acadiana Medieval Faire at:

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