Tuesday, October 28, 2003

According to CNN

They did a story on a guy with a blog about living in Hong Kong, and reported that most blogs are owned by teenage girls and are updated twice a month on an average. Hey! I beat the statistics!

Today is a new day and going to stick to diet. Well when I say diet, it basically means no sugar. I'll be exercising tonight; my back is killing me and needs a workout.

Played with Hero Machine last night. Kira sent me the URL. It's a flash program that allows us drawing incapable people to click a representation of characters. I tried making Allie and an adult Zack since they didn't have an age variable. I like how the adult Zack's expression and Xant's dragon child--who really needs a name--came out. Who's Xant? Boyo, I really need to work on getting that triology of stories rewritten and in the Library at some point.

Updating sites: I need to work on the Library and Alt BM a little each day, offline stuff. I'm tired of doing the mad dash to complete the update in the week before it's due. I have a few behind-the-scenes stuff to do, time consuming unfortunately. Good thing I have a couple of months before new stuff has to go up. :)

To Work on Today: GG#6, the Chosen, website design; if I get a bloody chance between mail runs ARGH! What do you mean it's already here!

Read Free!
The BookWorm

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